unnamed sources and Kurt's last days
2004.08.20. 23:30
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1 Kurt Cobain by Christopher Sandford. 2 Queen of Noise by Melissa Rossi. 3 Courtney Love: The Real Story by Poppy Brite. 4 Cobain by the Editors of Rolling Stone. 5 Nirvana, Teen Spirit, A Tribute to Kurt Cobain, Video copyright Crystal Alpha. 6 Tom Grant website. 7 Who Killed Kurt Cobain? by Max Wallace and Ian Halperin.
The way in which Kurt's mental state in his last days is portrayed in mainstream publications is suspect. But these examples are raked up time and again to emphasise the fact that Kurt was mentally unstable and that suicide was clearly on the cards. I provide the following examples. As this section progressed the ramifications seem to support the fact that Kurt had been murdered. Please read this carefully, all of it, and seriously consider the evidence as to who the real source behind the myth of " Kurt the suicide candidate" was.
1: At 7.30am (April 2nd,) Cobain took a taxi into town for bullets...after a desultory breakfast and a visit to his heroin dealer, Cobain spent 6 minutes vainly trying to contact Love at the Beverly Hills Peninsula (Sandford p 325-326).
A police report mentions this cab ride. In this report is the following information supplied to the police by the superintendent of the Gray Top Cab company:
The driver went to Lake Washington Blvd on April 2nd at 7.30 am. He picked up a person who he thought did not match the residence. He drove around looking for a place to find bullets, but was unable to find one. This male told the driver that he had recently been burgled and needed bullets. At 8.30 am, the driver dropped the man off in the area of 145 th and Aurora because he said he was hungry and wanted to get something to eat. The man's fare was $27.
The police report this comes from makes it clear that Courtney herself contacted Gray Top Cabs requesting this information, so Courtney was aware of the details/time of this journey.
Sandford therefore omitted the vital fact that this person mentioned a burglary. Kurt told Dylan Carlson he wanted the gun for protection against prowlers, this police report actually reinforces that on April 2nd Kurt was concerned about personal safety/security. How does Sandford know Kurt went to his dealers? Which dealer?
Could it be that Sandford only got certain bits of information on this cab journey? Could it be that "unnamed sources" gave him this incomplete information?
Maybe Kurt had a really nice breakfast, why always impose negative overtones to what Kurt was doing? If Kurt was in the state we are lead to believe it is unlikely he would have been thinking about food at all.
With regards to Kurt trying to reach Courtney at the Peninsula Hotel, according to W & H, an article appeared in Spin in 1995, in which the Peninsula denied that this call ever took place. (WKKC? p 94).
Who are Sandford's sources? Why is no identity offered to them?
2: Later that afternoon (of April 2nd) he met a friend on Capitol Hill, gave her the keys to his Volvo and made a sign to her with his hand signifying a gun held to his head (Sandford p 326.)
Here we have an unnamed friend and Kurt's mental state highlighted. The police report indicates that Kurt used the services of a cab co on the morning of April 2nd. Why did Kurt use a cab in the morning yet supposedly drive his own car in the afternoon?
When the police arrived at his house on April 8th it is specifically mentioned in their report that a Volvo registration WA lic 175 EYA is in the garage and that all 4 tyres are flat. See the police report at end of this section.
On the assumption that this is Kurt's car and according to Sandford p 306 Kurt's car did have that registration, then I have to ask myself why all the tyres were flat? Could it have been a tactic by would be murderer/s to ensure Kurt's mobility was hindered?
If the tyres were flat on April 2nd and this was Kurt's car, that would explain why he used a cab that morning. It would also mean that the story reported in Sandford's book could not be true.
In the April 16th 1994 edition of Melody Maker it was reported that the police were said to have had their last contact with Kurt on April 2nd but that any report of that incident was not among files supplied.
If this is correct, then the Seattle police are withholding an incident report for April 2nd. Could this be a report where Kurt contacted them complaining that his car had been vandalised (tyres were flat,) and that he believed there were prowlers/burglars? which he had told the taxi driver about that very morning.
The fact that the police have not made this report available indicates, to me, that it contains evidence that Kurt filed a complaint to them in which he expressed concern over a personal safety matter. Could the since murdered Detective Terry have been involved with this report?
3: April 3rd, Charles Peterson saw Kurt in downtown Seattle and thought him 'gone'. (Sandford p 326.)
But is this really what Peterson thought. Here are Peterson's own words remembering Kurt, after his death: "What sticks in my mind is actually running into him on the street about two weeks before he, before he killed himself. And it was just, you know, I guess in relation to events, I'm glad that I did. I'm glad that I saw him. We talked and he, we exchanged phone numbers and he was really happy about the book, my book of photographs that I'm doing. He was like, 'Alright, at last, get the real thing.' And he was, we chatted and he was concerned about my wife's illness and just really, you know....that sticks in my mind." (Source, Nirvana, Teen Spirit, A Tribute to Kurt Cobain Video.)
So Kurt didn't seem depressed and suicidal here, then. Also see Sandford p 315, where Sandford wrote:
Like many of his close friends, Peterson regrets that neither Cobain nor his family told him that he had already tried to kill himself.
4: Nobody -at least nobody who is talking officially--saw Kurt after April 2nd, when neighbours spotted him in the adjacent park, looking forlorn as he sat on a bench. It was a warm day, but he was dressed in many layers of clothing, as if to blanket himself against the bitter cold of his reality (M. Rossi, p 198.)
Again stress given to Kurt's miserable state of mind because he was dressed inappropriately for the weather. This is Kurt we are talking about! The guy who wore a t-shirt, shirt and cardigan when he performed Unplugged under studio lights, while Dave and Krist wore t-shirts only. Also see Broomfield's interview with Tracy Marander, where she talks about Kurt's habit of wearing layers of clothing. To try and use his choice of clothing to show Kurt's state of mind is ridiculous.
5: On April 3rd Cobain met a woman named Sara Hoehn on Broadway. He was in a foul temper about a report that 40,000 fans had lined the street that morning to buy tickets for an Eagles concert in L.A. 'We might as well not have happened,' is Hoehn's memory of his words. (Sandford p 326.)
Here we finally have a named witness who testifies that Kurt was in a foul mood. But she went on to give reason, and nowhere does it imply that his mood is due to anything other than that he was pissed off about ticket sales for an Eagle's concert. No mention here about him looking dangerously drugged or unbalanced.
Would a man purported to be in such a mentally fragile state be concerned about how many tickets were sold for an Eagles concert? Wouldn't he have been more likely to have railed about his own problems? Note, alongside a sighting of Kurt by John Silva on this day, these are the last sightings of Kurt alive by people who knew him.
6: What didn't make the media was the multitude of rumours that trickled up from the junkie world that Kurt was buying rounds from the drug dealers -putting up money for everyone present and that he was horribly depressed: that he was clearly trying to overdose; that while dealers would sell him as much as he wanted, they didn't want him hanging around and dying on them, leaving a star corpse to dispose of, that he said Courtney was having an affair with Billy Corgan and had told him about it in Rome, and that this confession was what had lead to the overdose there. "Where are my friends when I need them? he lamented to one dealer. ( Rossi p 198).
No names for these people who saw Kurt. Of course this could be because drugs were involved and they wanted to remain anonymous. OK, I could buy that reason, except I don't, because Dylan Carlson was not only Kurt's best friend, but also one of his drug suppliers, and Dylan told police that he did not hear from or see Kurt after March 30th.
Further, when Grant arrived in Seattle on April 6th and met up with Dylan, Dylan took him to all of Kurt's traditional hangouts but nobody had seen him (WKKC? p 99).
Further, Grant had subcontracted Ernie Barth to keep watch on a dealers (Caitlin Moore,) house on Capitol Hill. Courtney had emphasised to Grant that Moore's house should be checked out, so Barth had video surveillance there, but Kurt didn't appear on the footage once.
Courtney never requested to view this film, which seems odd, unless of course, Courtney knew that Kurt would not turn up there (Grant website).
(Barth also had the presence of mind to set up surveillance on 171, but unfortunately, Grant informed Courtney, who then ordered the surveillance to be removed. See the police report in my 'Events' section).
This emphasis on Moore by Courtney, which ultimately lead nowhere was another attempt by her to provide a false lead, to take attention off 171 Lke Wash Blvd.
As a junkie himself, Dylan would be familiar with any drug connections Kurt may have had. It just isn't possible to believe that Kurt was doing all this drug taking and that Dylan was unaware of it. If Kurt was binging on heroin to the extent claimed, Dylan would have heard about it, of that I have no doubt.
So who to believe? A whole bunch of unnamed sources, or Dylan Carlson and Grant? I have to go with Dylan and Grant because as we will see, Mark Lanegan offers information which completely supports them (see example 7).
It is not inconceivable that these unnamed sources were planted. They don't make sense, they contradict what information we do have from reliable named witnesses.
They appear to be a concerted attempt to provide false trails. All of Kurt's friends expressed shock when after Kurt died, Courtney came out and said that Rome was a suicide attempt. Without exception, Courtney had told none of them. They were angry about this, they said that had they been told they would have kept an eye on him. Dylan said that had he known, he would never have bought the gun. We must conclude from this that Kurt never told Dylan that Rome was a suicide attempt.
This is because Rome never was a suicide attempt.
Now we have suspicious unnamed sources talking about Rome and an affair Courtney had with Billy Corgan in an attempt to explain why Kurt was depressed and trying to overdose, both in Rome and whilst he was missing in early April.
Maybe the authors were fed false information. Maybe they were set up. In the acknowledgements of Rossi's book, after the named people, Rossi included:
"a whole bunch of "Deep Throats" who don't want their names mentioned".
Who would have been able to manipulate the planting of these stories? It would need to be someone who knew how to play the media game, and who had access to journalists/ authors. Obviously it needed to be someone with an understanding of the drug scene of Seattle. It needed to be someone who was around at the time, who could assess the best people for the job, be it those gullible enough to believe false information, or those who would do it for payment. Who would be the best candidate for this? Probably a junkie, someone who had access to the drug underground, someone who had something to gain from false information leaking out, someone who was involved in some way with the murder. The only person who fits all this, that I am aware of, is Michael DeWitt.
DeWitt and Courtney have acted suspiciously throughout, and both are eminently qualified to manipulate the leaking of false information.
7: The coroners report would list April 5th as Cobains estimated date of death, but this was refuted by friends who claimed Cobain placed calls to them on April 6th. (Rossi p 199).
Again, no names for these friends. Just who were they? Dylan didn't receive a call, he said:
"I talked to Cali, who said he had seen Kurt on Saturday (April 2nd,) but I couldn't get hold of him myself," (Cobain by the editors of Rolling Stone p 83).
Charles Peterson didn't.
Mark Lanegan said he didn't hear from Kurt in that last week:
"Kurt hadn't called me. He hadn't called some other people. He hadn't called his family. He hadn't called anybody."
Lanegan went on to say that he had been looking for Kurt for about a week before he was found......
"I had a feeling something real bad had happened." (Cobain by the editors of Rolling Stone p 83).
Most people assume Kurt died either on April 5th, or the 6th. Grant believes Kurt was murdered April 3rd/early 4th. If Grant is right then that would explain why none of his friends saw him, heard from him, were able to contact him or were aware of the drug binge that he was supposedly on.
What are we to make of these calls? What possible reason for their existence? Could they be an attempt to mislead people into believing Kurt died on or around April 6th? That can be the only logical conclusion. If Kurt was murdered, then whoever was responsible would gain by disseminating as much misinformation as possible, to blur the edges, to provide false leads and alibis.
The last reliable witnesses to see Kurt alive were Sara Hoehn and John Silva, on April 3rd. Because no one else saw Kurt after this it is possible that Kurt died on April 3rd.
Grant states that a few weeks after Kurt's death he eventually managed to speak to DeWitt, who admitted to Grant that he did check the greenhouse on the Sunday, which was April 3rd. I would like to know if this was before or after the Hoehn/Silva sightings. Because if it was after, then that would mean DeWitt admits to being in the very place Kurt died, on the very day Kurt went missing from the radar. Maybe now we see the reason for those phone calls and unnamed sources who claimed to have seen Kurt.
8: Mrs O'Connor insisted that though the papers suggested Kurt had shot himself on April 5th, she believed it had happened the following day. "I felt it almost the moment he had gone," she explained, suggesting he'd called her at 5.30 pm on April 6th, even though he didn't say anything. (Kurt Cobain, published by Oliver books).
This could have been someone who merely misdialled and hung up. Or it could have been an attempt by the people who murdered Kurt to lead O'Connor into thinking that this was Kurt. This would tie in with the false information and claims that Kurt called friends on April 6th. The timing, 5.30pm, is interesting. Grant wondered if Courtney had attempted to get Kurt's body discovered on April 6th by requesting the electricians worked on light monitors for the greenhouse.
If these workers finished work before 5.30 Courtney would know that they had made no such discovery, and proceeded to use the 6th as an extra day in which to plant false leads. The important thing to remember is that whoever it was, they did not speak.
In the days before his death Kurt is said to have spent at least one night at the property at Carnation, with an unknown woman. It is widely believed this woman was Caitlin Moore. According to Courtney, Moore had been having an affair with Kurt, she was also, according to Courtney, one of his dealers.
OK, Kurt was drug clean on the European tour, he was clean at the time of the Rome overdose. Kurt was not using heroin. The overdose in Rome occurred on March 4th, no heroin was found in his system at the time of this overdose. Kurt did not return to Seattle until March 12th.
So between that date and March 25th when the intervention took place, Courtney would have us believe that Kurt developed a massive heroin habit and became involved in/resumed an affair with, Caitlin Moore.
All this within the space of 13 days, at a time when Kurt was physically depleted due to illness/ recovering from a near fatal overdose.
I don't believe Courtney. It was Courtney who emphasised to Grant that Caitlin was having an affair with Kurt. Courtney specifically requested that Grant kept an eye on Moore's house -even though she knew Kurt had been back to 171 Lke Wash Blvd, a fact she didn't tell Grant.
The fact that Grant had video surveillance on Moore's house and Kurt didn't appear on the footage once, and also that Courtney showed no interest in viewing this film, indicate, to me, that Courtney knew full well that this would lead nowhere. Further, she knew it would divert attention away from 171.
I have not found one reference to Caitlin that didn't originate from Courtney. I therefore believe that Courtney purposefully made up her claims about Caitlin. Caitlin may well have been a dealer, but that she played such a big role in Kurt's life is highly questionable.
In Cobain by the editors of Rolling Stone, p 86, it is said that: the police reported that two people say that Cobain's Capitol Hill heroin dealer told them Cobain had come by her apartment the night of April 5th. The dealer denied this.
If this dealer was Caitlin, then she herself denies seeing Kurt. The people who initially made this claim to the police could be anyone, could be people trying to add confusion to the situation. These very people are suspicious, they made false and misleading claims to the police. They should be investigated.
She (Courtney) suspected that he'd been with a female dealer, but when Courtney and Kat turned up at the dealers apartment, screaming and all but knocking the door down, the dealer swore Kurt hadn't been there during that week. "And I believed her," said Courtney. (Rossi p 210).
If Courtney was using Caitlin as a smokescreen, it was in Courtney's interests to make out she believed her own story, so this episode was put up to imply Courtney was trying to find out where Kurt had been. But then this female dealer has now twice denied seeing Kurt.
Poor Caitlin, I bet she wondered what the hell was going on. She found herself an unwitting participant in one of Courtney's attempts to mislead.
Moving on to the supposed visit by Kurt to Carnation with unnamed woman who I would now assume was not Caitlin. The Seattle Post Intelligencer, dated Monday April 11th 1994, reported:
According to Love; he (Cobain) apparently spent one night with unknown guest at a home the couple owns in Carnation. Kurt Trabout who lives nearby, said he had not seen Kurt since before Thanksgiving, when he saw Cobain drive past in his gray Volvo. However, Trabout said he noticed fresh tyre tracks leading to Cobain's house last monday.
Last monday would have been April 4th. Grant believed Kurt died April 3rd/early 4th. He believes this on the foundation that Courtney filed the missing persons report at approx 9am April 4th. In this report she stressed that Kurt was missing, possibly using heroin, suicidal and had a gun. Grant believes that Kurt was already dead by the time Courtney filed this, and that she knew the method - gunshot wound and heroin use by which he died, hence her emphasis on suicide and the gun/heroin, which ultimately the police accepted as proof that Kurt was suicidal and was likely to have used the gun to kill himself.
If Grant is right, then Kurt could not have been at Carnation on April 4th. And let's not forget that the last reliable witnesses to see Kurt alive were John Silva and Sara Hoehn on April 3rd. Let us also not forget that Michael DeWitt was roaming around Seattle possibly planting false leads. He could have driven to Carnation just as easily as anyone else. Tyre tracks are just that, they are not proof that Kurt was at Carnation.
On p 326 Sandford reported: The police believe he was driven by a woman to Carnation. According to Love, a blue sleeping bag she had never seen before was found in the house, along with cigarette butts, some smudged with lipstick, a drawing of a sun with the words "cheer up".
What does "the police believe" imply? It implies that they don't actually know, they just believe. Could this be because they didn't actually investigate it themselves but once again took Courtney's statements as absolute proof that it did happen? Of Course! The Seattle police have persistently refused to investigate this crime, they are an absolute disgrace.
I haven't seen mention on any Seattle police report evidence that they investigated this visit. Could it be that the only information on this visit comes from Courtney?
Not entirely. Grant visited this property with Courtney shortly after Kurt's death. He had some very interesting things to say on the matter, as follows:
We made plans to go to the Carnation property. Eric Erlandson was supposed to come with us, but Courtney took him aside to talk to him in private and Eric left the house alone in his van.
Grant then said to Courtney: "I thought Eric was coming with us." Courtney replied; "He'll meet us there." Grant, Courtney and Kat Bjelland then drove to Carnation. During this journey, Courtney made him stop twice for snacks, and misdirected him, thereby delaying the journey.
When they arrived they went to the older barn type property first. Courtney and Kat went upstairs, Grant checked out downstairs. He found five dead rats in the toilet, he said they had been there for some time, and that it was obvious no one had stayed at the property for some while. Courtney told Grant that she had found a pouch with a syringe in it, she showed him this. Grant was suspicious.
In the newer building on the property they found a sleeping bag, some cigarette butts and some soda cans. Grant mentioned that Eric never did turn up. He asked himself if Eric had come and gone before they arrived. (Grant website).
Needless to say, none what Grant had to say on the matter ever made it into the mainstream press/media. So it looks from all this that Carnation and Caitlin were another attempt to distract us from the fact that Kurt was murdered April 3rd/early 4th.
It comes down to the basic question of who to believe, Grant, or Courtney her highly suspicious unnamed sources and the incompetent and bungling Seattle police? I know who I believe.
How difficult would it have been for Eric, or DeWitt for that matter, to have planted several items at Carnation? We are intelligent people. We are not the Seattle Police Dept! We can and do differentiate between evidence that is a set-up and evidence that is not.
When information comes from Courtney, it must be dissected/interrogated/seriously questioned. The Seattle police won't do it. The mainstream press (Time Warner owned CNN, Entertainment Weekly and People and Viacom's VH1/MTV won't do it, so called biographers such as Sandford/ Charles R Cross, author of Heavier Than Heaven, published by Disney owned Hyperion, won't do it.
We must do it.
Kurt deserves that these questions are asked on his behalf.
Now I want to focus solely on Melissa Rossi. Her book was the first to really bring these unnamed sources to power. Until her book, we had the likes of:
1...Thompson, 1994, he mentioned Kurt's partiality for/preoccupation with.......milkshakes.
2...Sandford, 1995, he mentioned Kurt's memory loss and possible impairment of judgment, after Rome. He even commented on the differing accounts between the official (named,) and unofficial (unnamed) sources, it's a shame that these discrepancies were allowed to go unchallenged.
On p 379 Sandford wrote:
Where sources asked for anonymity -usually citing friendship with Cobain's widow- every effort was made to persuade them to go on the record. Where this was not possible I have used the phrase 'a witness' or 'a colleague' as appropriate.
3...Nick Wise's Courtney Love published 1995. Wise voiced the question as to Courtney's whereabouts at the time of his "suicide".
4...Susan Wilson, Hole Look Through This published 1995. Here it was written the prescription for Rohypnol was Courtney's.
In short, there were loose ends and room for nagging doubts everywhere. Rossi was to consolidate and empower the mighty unnamed sources.
Rossi seemed to know her sources, she answered nagging questions, she provided the most in depth picture available, which left no room to doubt Kurt was suicidal and taking drugs to excess after Rome.
I fell for it, for a while. She was Courtney's "information conduit" but not in the way she believed.
Here are a few examples, all of which refer to the days after the Rome incident. Grant believes the Rome overdose was attempted murder, so I am keeping this in mind.
Kurt's response to the increasing likelihood of a break up (at Courtney's wishes,) was to dull his pain with more heroin; before he left Rome, he'd made arrangements for a dealer to hide some in the bushes near the Seattle house. (Rossi, p 190).
No name for the source of this information. Emphasis on heroin, see section on the Rome incident. Emphasis on Courtney leaving Kurt, not Kurt leaving Courtney, which is opposite to what was the truth.
Melissa, you say (pages 184-185) that Kurt was depressed after the concert on Feb 22, even though you admit Kurt's performance was good. You say that Kurt was alone in Rome and that his birthday had passed with no cards/words from his parents, and what with Courtney being in London with Corgan etc, this added to Kurt's depression.
I say: on Feb 21st, (the day after his birthday,) at the concert at Modena, Kurt was joking and talking to the crowd, albeit in a subdued manner. He did look unwell, that's because physically, he was. But he made a reference to his future grandchildren, he laughed at something, and then said:
"Isn't that great! I will tell my grandchildren that story."
This isn't the comment of a depressed/suicidal man, the tone of his voice was happy. This is on the bootleg video of Nirvana's Feb 21 1994 concert in Modena, Italy.
Also, on the mainstream media in general, why does MTV only show the cut version of Unplugged? At least here in England. Could it be because on this version Kurt looks a little ill-at-ease? and that this helps to perpetuate the moody guy image mainstream media want us to believe?
I have the uncut version of this where Kurt is joking about playing Nine Inch Nails songs. Where he is recalling a cartoon and he puts on a cartoon voice and jokes around, where he is seen laughing and joking, singing in a daft voice, and sitting back reading a magazine called WFMU's First Catalog of Curiosities. Signing autographs at the end of the set.
Kurt is constantly suffering the injustice of the media not wanting us to see anyone but a moody, depressed individual. And also I have on video an interview with Kurt dating to Dec 1993, where Kurt is mellow/comfortable, this was just 4 months before he died.
To everyone reading this I say: Don't buy the rubbish MTV/VH1, and the mainstream press offer. It is false/distorted/biased in Courtney's favour.
Do Kurt a favour and demand the truth.
The mainstream press seem to be guilty of conspiring to show Kurt in a false light. And more seriously, conspiring to cover-up/distort/withhold evidence.
I have seen more truth and common sense on internet/bootleg material than I ever saw on Viacom owned MTV, VH1's Driven: The Secret Life of Kurt Cobain, books by Rossi & Brite (published by Simon and Schuster and Pocket books, both owned by Viacom), magazines such as Select, Melody Maker, Spin, Circus etc. And it is a sorry state of affairs when to find the truth one has to resort to the internet and bootlegs.
A dealer called from Seattle's Capitol Hill. Kurt was at his place, buying too much heroin, acting like he was trying to overdose; the dealer wanted him out. Courtney told Krist who drove over to pick up Kurt, who willingly got in the car.(Rossi p 191).
Emphasis on heroin, see section on Rome incident. Novoselic's initial response to Kurt's death was:
"Smack was just a small part of his life." And:
Novoselic said he did not understand his friend's behavior. "I don't have it all figured out right now," he said. (Seattle Post Intelligencer, April 14 1994).
If Kurt was obviously suicidal Novoselic would not have said: "I don't have it all figured out right now". The above response is of someone who didn't consider Kurt to be suicidal or out of control in his drug use:
"smack was just a small part of his life."
After the Rome overdose the distinction between being high and out of it on drugs to being ill and confused must be drawn. Kurt must be given the benefit of the doubt.
Questions MUST be asked on his behalf and in his interests, even if Courtney doesn't like it.
He was extremely depressed, an obvious clue that the overdose in Italy wasn't accidental. Anyone who had nearly died accidentally would have been happy to be with the living. A suicidal person, who awakens after attempting to die is depressed at having failed at death too. (Rossi, p 192).
Melissa, who are the unnamed sources that told you he was so depressed? Because they weren't the people who knew him, Carlson, Lanegan, Peterson, Cleary, doctors, lawyer et al.
I say: Anyone who had nearly died after attempted murder and who didn't have his memory back as to what had occurred would be expected to be confused and distressed, on top of this possibility, Kurt had been physically ill.
This possible attempted murder must be taken into consideration when Kurt's physical and mental appearances after Rome are brought up. This mustn't be mistaken for suicidal depression/proof of drug taking, allowances must be made for this possibility.
Melissa, you say that a person who intentionally tried to commit suicide would obviously be depressed on failing.
I say: would their first thought be to ask for a milkshake? I doubt it. And wouldn't they remember it if they had tried to end it all?
Kurt didn't know what had happened to him when he came out of the coma, he did know that he hadn't tried to commit suicide though.
While waiting for them (the police,) to arrive, she attempted to break down the door with a fire extinguisher. Finally he opened it. She grabbed the gun from him and pointed it at her own head. "I am going to pull this right now, I cannot see you die! I can't see you die again." (Rossi p 191).
This is supposed to have occurred in March after Rome, whilst the police were on their way, after Courtney had called them because Kurt was locked in a room, and she told the police he was suicidal. When the police arrived, Kurt told them he was not suicidal, he was just trying to keep away from Courtney. Courtney's bold and brave attempt to take the gun was not mentioned in the police report, why? Surely if she had been breaking the door in with a fire extinguisher there would have been damage to the door that the police would have noticed? There was never any mention of this in the report. Because it was a fabrication, one of Courtney's melodramatic stories, another lie in her defence.
This looks to me like a case of hounding Kurt and not leaving him in peace. Maybe not wanting him to have the peace he would need to remember the Rome incident?
When he later went out for dinner he didn't look the waiter in the eye, had a companion order for him, and all but hid under the table at the scene his presence was creating. (Rossi p 192).
So? Are we supposed to believe that because of this he was suicidal/unstable/high? Kurt didn't like a fuss, this is well known. I can't accept that because this is the case it automatically becomes translated in a negative sense.
Everything Kurt did has been bent to fit the rubbish that unnamed sources/Courtney want us to believe, it looks like a systematic character assassination to me. Kurt has been so maligned by these unnamed sources, and people have believed them for too long.
If Kurt was alive today, he could sue for defamation. And who are these unnamed sources?.... Courtney!
Which brings us back to the start of it all, Kurt wanted to get Courtney out of his life, he knew she was bad news, he was excluding her from his will, he was going to divorce her, and her response to this was verbally and physically malicious and violent.
Once Kurt had been murdered she and her unnamed sources set about destroying his character in her attempt to mislead people and support her bogus claims.
Prior to Courtney meeting Kurt in Rome on March 3rd, Kurt had been described by several people around him at the time as clean and not drinking alcohol, also that he did not seem suicidal or talk of suicide before or after Rome. At this point, Kurt was suffering from flu/ laryngitis and nothing more.
Immediately on Courtney joining him, unnamed sources lead us to believe that Kurt became a rampant heroin user who used Rohypnol and champagne to boot, who was clearly suicidal, and who was so incapable he "can't even catch a fucking cab by himself," we know this just isn't true.
On MTV's tribute to Kurt, Kurt Loder said:
"With In Utero out and the tour in progress Kurt Cobain seemed finally to have found an accommodation with rock stardom. Friends remember him at this point as genuinely happy. But then Nirvana went to Europe and somehow everything went wrong. Cobain got the flu, dates were cancelled. Recuperating in Rome he drank alcohol on top of a prescription sedative and collapsed in a coma. It was said to have been an accident, but behind press releases and doctors reports Kurt Cobain's life was apparently spiraling out of control."
Well the fact is that Kurt’s life started to spiral out of control immediately upon Courtney/ her Rohypnols and Michael DeWitt joining him in Rome.
I don't believe these unnamed sources, I question them, and where they don't tally with reliable witnesses, I refute them, and there is so much to refute. In Rossi's book there is over emphasis on his "huge drug habit", his "suicidal/overdosing tendencies", his "mental instability," all of which are at odds with what his friends/doctors/evidence report/ suggest. It reached fever pitch in Rossi's book, why? We will see soon.
Here is what Kurt had to say on unnamed/inside sources when referring to Hirschberg:
"No names were made. So it was obviously just a crucifixion piece. But I understand that a lot of people have been really affected by that, they believe it, I'm really surprised."
See my Nov 1999 update for more on the Vanity Fair/Hirschberg article.
There is a definite line between the truth and outright lies in this, and the very existence of all these lies is proof that a cover-up is warranted.
Grant put forward a very convincing theory, and circumstancial evidence and his recorded conversations with Courtney and Carroll, indicate that he is right. Courtney had a duty to herself to defend her reputation against Grant's claims, she didn't do this.
Courtney, it is no use saying Grant has no money and is therefore not worth suing. Money is not the issue. If Grant was lying, then money would be the least consideration of a genuine persons concern, by suing him and winning you would have ensured those claims were discredited.
So, on the assumption that it is permitted not to be legally bound to agree with/believe Courtney, I find myself asking questions, the answers to which are not very nice. Many people have legitimate reasons for their concerns over this and to that end this case must be reopened, and an Independent Investigation into Kurt's death must happen.
Courtney, if you have nothing to hide it would be totally in your interests to have a new investigation. __________________________________________________________________________
Scenario, in an attempt to get a story accepted, C provides information pertaining to that story through the intermediaries B & D. This information is false, it offers, at best, a twisted version of the truth.
A picks up on this information and thinks he has a scoop. He writes an article which is published in a widely read magazine.
C now knows that A has taken the bait.
C contacts A under the premise that A has unearthed hitherto unknown information.
C then informs A that by using his own sources he has verified that the information A uncovered is correct.
C flatters A by admiring A's ability to make such discoveries. By this flattery C is reinforcing A's confidence in his sources.
C asks A to continue this investigation in order to discover more facts, and specifically points A towards various leads.
A now thinks he is really onto something and is flattered that C is requesting more research.
The reality is that C is A's sources, using B, D, and any others he requires. All the strings are pulled by C.
Eventually A offers to introduce C to B and D, in an attempt to help C.
C does not bother to pursue B & D, because he already knows them. A is puzzled by this, but doesn't really question it.
That is how easily a story can be planted. It is just a matter of having reliable intermediaries, and knowing who to set up. Could this happen in the "Real World"?
In Rossi's book, Queen of Noise, pages 221-222 the following events occurred in June 1994, after the publication in Esquire's July 1994 edition of an article on Kurt Cobain, cowritten by Melissa Rossi:
Rossi received a phone call from Courtney. Courtney asked Rossi where she got her information. Courtney then told Rossi that her own sources had confirmed that Rossi's information was correct. Courtney then asked Rossi to help by investigating Kurt's whereabouts whilst he was "missing", and she gave Rossi the name of a hotel where she thought Kurt might have stayed. Courtney asked Rossi to investigate this, and to act as her "information conduit", (Courtney's/Rossi's choice of wording,) and also mentioned what a scoop it would be for Rossi to uncover such information. Rossi then offered to introduce Courtney to one of her sources, but Courtney never bothered to contact him.
I find myself wondering why Courtney would need Rossi to do this when Courtney had her own sources who had already confirmed Rossi's findings. If Courtney believed she knew where Kurt had been staying, why didn't she get her own sources to investigate? Could it be that Courtney wanted Rossi to elaborate on her findings? Could it be that Courtney's sources were one and the same with Rossi's? Of course it was.
I am right, and I feel sorry for Rossi. She could not have been aware that she was being played to the extent that she was. On page 11 of the introduction to her book, she writes about her feelings towards Courtney. One of the things she wrote are:
"I can clearly see her manipulative ness, and how easy it seems for her to use people."
On reading the introduction to her book, it is obvious that Rossi was manipulated right from the start to write her biography. In February 1995 Rossi was approached by Rozz Rezabek (an old flame of Courtney's) to collaborate in writing a book about Courtney. Once the idea was planted, Rezabek pulled out, after an offer of cash by Courtney. Rossi then decided to drop the book, but several months later Pocket Books (owned by Simon and Schuster) approached her and she decided to continue. Rossi said that she got the initial OK from Courtney, and then wrote:
"As it turned out, she didn't give me an interview at all, but at least she didn't interfere."
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