interview with Dylan Carlson
2004.08.20. 23:14
beszlgets Dylannel
In the film Kurt and Courtney Nick Broomfield interviewed Dylan Carlson. His introduction to this interview is as follows: "I found Dylan to be evasive and in a very defensive position. As Kurt's best friend it was crazy for him to have bought the gun if he thought Kurt was suicidal. At the same time he didn't want to appear to be supporting Tom Grant's murder theory".....
Broomfield: "And what about his relationship with Courtney?"
Carlson: "Um, obviously it was going through a turbulence, some turbulence. Whether it was going to end or not we don't know. I don't think we ever will, I mean, you know, but I mean all marriages go through their ups and downs."
Broomfield: "Did he ever say anything to you about, I mean, he did say it to plenty of other people..."
Carlson: "Said what?"
Broomfield: "That he was going to finish the relationship."
Carlson: "Divorce? I mean, he never, he never flat out said anything like that or any implication about it to me, you know. I mean, he didn't even make any hints as far as I know about any kind of divorce or anything like that."
Broomfield: "I mean, if you are his best friend and he didn't say anything about being depressed or suicidal, he just wanted the gun for prowlers, and that Rome was just an accident, you know, maybe you would think also he could have been murdered?."
Carlson: "Mmm, why? I mean, who? I mean, it's like....."
Broomfield: "Well if you were his best friend and he never said anything about anything being wrong, and he'd seen you just before- you know, maybe Tom Grant is right, maybe he was murdered."
Carlson: "But I mean he doesn't have to say anything about it being wrong. I mean, it's like, you know, when you are friends with someone there is like subtler forms of information transfer than just flat out, you know..."
Broomfield: "So what did he subtly communicate to you?."
Carlson: "I mean, it's like, I'm just saying it's like, why?..."
Broomfield: "I'm just trying to get a sense of what he did communicate to you. What you understood."
Carlson: "I mean, the thing is it's like, the time he would have been communicating any sort of, you know, sense that he wanted to kill himself was already....was when he came back from Exodus, when I didn't see him, you know."
Broomfield: "But if you bought the gun before he went and you think he was now suicidal..."
Carlson: "I dont think he was necessarily like planning to kill himself at that point necessarily, I mean, I don't know though...I mean..."
Broomfield: "It was just a coincidence."
Carlson: "I mean, it's like if he had been totally like suicidal from the outset he would have used the gun that day probably, you know what I mean, why did he like try to go down and go through treatment?"
Broomfield: "why do you think?"
Carlson: "You know, well 'cos there was all the fucking pressure on him to go through treatment. His wife is telling him he needs to go through treatment, his record company, his management, you know. So he goes and he tries to get off drugs and he can't or he doesn't want to. I mean it's like basically he doesn't want to cos it's like, you know, there is no reason for him to get off drugs. You know, it's not like he's poverty stricken and robbing grocery stores to supply his habit."
Broomfield: "But how was Courtney telling him to be off drugs when she was on them anyway?"
Carlson: "I dunno, 'cos she was the one who was all gung-ho for him to quit. I mean, they were both constantly like, I mean, trying to hide it from one another. I mean, the most ridiculous example was one time Kurt called me up to get some speed and then the other line rang and I answered the other line and it was Courtney asking me to get her dope, and both of them were like, "Oh, don't let the other one know." (Smiles), "I mean...."
Broomfield: "I don't know what I think about the whole murder conspiracy."
Carlson: "Put it this way, if I seriously thought Kurt had been murdered, the people... if I thought Courtney was involved or if I thought, they would be dead now, flat out.( small laugh.) I would kill them. If I thought that was the case, I mean,...."
Broomfield: "Ummm."
Carlson: "I mean...."
Broomfield: "But don't you think it's curious that if Courtney as you said loved Kurt so much, and she was really so worried about him, she knew he had a gun and thought he was suicidal. That she didn't come up to Seattle to look for him?"
At this point Carlson looks thoughtful but says nothing.